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denní zobrazení: 617 / today visits: 617 |
But why on the tail is marking of prototype N1K3-J? It's not fun, it's wrong ...
I agree with Mr. Dominec, that it is most likely not probable, that prototype will be weatherd like this, but you wrote this: What is my perception the most important thing...
but for me I still am satisfied the overall results....
What is my perception the most important thing...
OK. The kit is nice and I can only congratulate you for it.
But I doubt that the idea "the more weathering the better" should apply to prototypes.
Lets go to talk today about 1/72 Hasegawa N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" Prototype. The entire build was all "Straight out of the Box" although I chose to depict the prototype in IJN prototype/experimental Yellow as opposed to the overall gray version depicted on the Hasegawa box top. I felt a Yellow paint scheme was probably a bit more accurate but then again who really knows as there are only a few black-and-white photographs of this particular bird. I'm always under the impression that there is no such thing as too much weathering for Japanese aircraft ....as you can probably tell :) I started with a gloss white primer then blackish/brown on the panel lines, some silver sections where chipping would show followed by misting shades of a mixing of Tamiya Orange and a bit of Gunze/Mr.Hobby 113 RLM04 Yellow ..Note I believe Tamiya TS-34 Camel Yellow is a very good match but is only available in a old "rattle can" spray form. This kit just fell together without any real issues other than heaving to decide how to position those contra-rotating propellers :)
Additionall information about the Kyofu (Mighty Wind):
Anticipation of a need for single-seat float-equipped interceptor seaplanes prompted the Japanese navy to initiate a development programme for such aircraft in 1940, the Nakajima A6M2-N floatplane adaptation of the famous Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero being intended as a stopgap until a purpose-designed aircraft could be introduced. This was to be the highly-imaginative and attractive Kawanishi N1K Kyofu (mighty wind), whose design was started in September of that year. Featuring a central float and twin wing-mounted stabilizing floats, the new prototype retained the same gun armament as the A6M2 but was powered by a 1089kW Kasei 14 radial engine driving two-blade contraprops in an attempt to counter the torque-induced swing on take-off. The wing-mounted floats were originally intended to be retractable but design problems led to these being fixed before the aircraft's first flight. Persistent trouble with the contraprop gearbox resulted in a change to the Kasei 13 engine driving a single threeblade propeller from the second prototype onwards.
Cheers Rob
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